Animal Sacrifice on the Rise


Animal sacrifices on the rise in Queens with chickens, pigs being tortured in ‘twisted’ rituals


Animal sacrifices are surging in Queens, with chickens, pigs and rats being tortured, mutilated or killed in “twisted” religious rituals in parkland surrounding Jamaica Bay, The Post has learned. 

In a little over a month, at least nine wounded animals or carcasses have been discovered in the federally-managed Spring Creek Park in Howard Beach and the Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge in Broad Channel — including five live pigs with partially severed ears. Reported NYPost 


The US Supreme Court upheld the right to animal sacrifice on religious grounds in a 1993 ruling. 

Under New York State law, however, aggravated cruelty to animals, meanwhile is a felony punishable by up to two years in prison


Last year- but NY is seeing a significant uptick 

Two decapitated goats were found in black plastic bags behind a Burger King in New York in what detectives are calling a "ritualistic animal sacrifice," officials said… 

In Missouri they stole a dog and lit it on fire as part of a religious sacrifice. 

Animal Sacrifice 


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