Abercrombie Accused of Sexual Misconduct


'I tried to say no repeatedly': More men accuse ex-Abercrombie boss over sex events

According to the BBC, Abercrombie & Fitch CEO lured men into sexual exploits. 20 men accused Mike Jeffries of making false promises in exchange for sex, some claim they were even injected with drugs. 

“Luke says he was shocked as he was guided into Mike Jeffries’ presidential suite in a hotel in Spain. "It was like a movie set of an Abercrombie store," he recalls of the event in 2011. "And I thought we were going to do a photoshoot."

He says the room was dimly lit with erotic photos of men’s abs adorning the dark walls. In the middle, a group of assistants dressed in Abercrombie & Fitch uniforms - polos, blue jeans and flip-flops - were casually folding clothes on a table, pretending to be shop workers, he says.

In the suite, he says Mr Jeffries' assistants began engaging with in role-play, encouraging him to act as a shirtless greeter, a hallmark of A&F stores at the time. Luke says he remembers the talent scout saying: "Now I have two very important guests, and these are going to be the customers that you need to impress and entertain because they're going to be buying a lot of clothes from you."-BBC

It was at that moment Jeffries and his partner came out of the next room and began assaulting him. 

says. "I was trying to avoid the whole situation as 

much as I could, but Michael was very aggressive." 

Mr Jeffries, 80, and his life partner Mr Smith, 61 are facing civil litigation. Their attorneys say, “the courtroom is where we will deal with this matter.” 

Mr Milkie had the nerve to turn the old geriatrics club down. He stood up to them, but it was hard to go against the bro- club 

The personification of Mike Jeffries is Abercrombie. He had the hair plugs, the plastic surgery, he wore the clothes, he wore the flip-flops. I mean, you talk about power. He projected his image on the entire country. His places where he lived were literally an Abercrombie store. It was like fantasy land," he says.

"Without that sort of power, that sort of fear and influence, I imagine it's just like a lot harder to keep people quiet, which is why years later people are talking about it."



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