Online Bullying is Real

Have you heard about Aubreigh Wyatt and her mom Heather?

Aubreigh was relentless bullied by a pack of people online and killed herself. After her death, the people continued to mock the girl and there parents went so far as to get an emergency gag order on Heather from discussing the online bullying. 


Of course, social media was having none of that, and knew the parents could not silence them all. 

After she unalived herself they girls posted this 

TikTok influencers soon found the addresses of all the girls involved and the parents:

And when the Insta and TikTok community decide you’re wrong- watch out-  they found all the girls social media - all legal, of course - and created accounts and began befriending their friends, slowly and surely- over the last year. 

Psych Nurse responds: 

And now it’s a forever thing. ❣️⚔️❣️


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