Seizures are not shameful

What evidence do these people have that I’ve done anything to them but ask them to stop coming to my site and harassing me? 

 What are seizures? 

Nerve cells in the brain, known as neurons, create, send and receive electrical impulses. This allows the cells to communicate. Anything that disrupts the communication pathways can lead to a seizure. Some types of seizures may be caused by genetic changes. Not all seizures are epilepsy but epilepsy is the number one cause of seizures. You can get seizures from high fever, illness, head injuries, stress, emotional trauma, lack of sleep, low sodium, alcohol. 

“Epilepsy was first described in Babylonian texts more than 3,000 years ago. The ancient Greeks called it the ‘sacred disease,’ associating the  disorder with the divine.”

Many famous people have had seizure disorder:

Melanie Griffith, Danny Glover, Elton John. Lewis Carrol, Teddy Roosevelt, Prince, Socrates, Joan of Arc, Napoleon, James Madison, Harriet Tubeman, Charles Dickens, Edgar Allen Poe, Justice Chief Roberts.

Seizures are mentioned in the Bible- So when people are virtue signaling to you and ask, “What is your favorite Jesus scripture?” 

Jesus heals an epileptic boy

14-16 When they returned to the crowds again a man came and knelt in front of Jesus. “Lord, do have pity on my son,” he said, “for he is a lunatic and is in a terrible state. He is always falling into the fire or into the water. I did bring him to your disciples but they couldn’t cure him.”

17 “You really are an unbelieving and difficult people,” Jesus returned. “How long must I be with you, and how long must I put up with you? Bring him here to me!”

18 Then Jesus reprimanded the evil spirit and it went out of the boy, who was cured from that moment.

19 Afterwards the disciples approached Jesus privately and asked, “Why weren’t we able to get rid of it?”

20-21 “Because you have so little faith,” replied Jesus. “I assure you that if you have as much faith as a grain of mustard-seed you can say to this hill, ‘Up you get and move over there!’ and it will move—you will find nothing is impossible.” “However, this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting”

22-23 As they went about together in Galilee, Jesus told them, “The Son of Man is going to be handed over to the power of men, and they will kill him. And on the third day he will be raised to life again.” This greatly distressed the disciples.

Raphael took the boy with epilepsy’s healing as a simile for Christs suffering, his transfiguration through suffering, death, and resurrection. This explains why it was after this healing it was announced the Son of Man would be killed. Christ knew his time was coming which was why he bemoaned , How much longer shall I be with you? And chastised them to have the faith of a mustard seed. 


1 in 29 people will have a seizure once in their lifetime. 


Why is it the people at the neighboring site seem to think trolling over seizures is even funny? Lack of education? 

I never told Whoa Vicky I had seizures all day long. That is an absurd medical claim. I most certainly drive and work and have a drivers license. But the bigger point is, who shames people with seizures? What kind of people do that and then ask, “what is your favorite Jesus Scripture “? 

And to Snakes claims 


Where is this post that states I am coming to Snakes work? And who are these “thugs”? Be specific Snak. Name the thugs. 

This is the exact same pattern as when Snak claimed I doxxed him and yet could not provide any evidence or proof.  He lies and fabricates story arcs to slander me and my site. While his idiot cultists believe him without demanding any evidence I know the hundreds who lurk are far smarter. Provide the post that said I was coming to your office with thugs. That was not what I said which is why you cannot provide the post. 

I do however have proof of YOU people physically threatening me: 

Notice AJs post? He said “until they get hit” future- 50 tried to cover for him. But, again, this is obvious. “Everyone has a plan until they get hit in the mouth” . Within context, I’d just called Snak and asked him to stop harassing me and my child online. Why can’t they stop? 

Asking him and his wife to stop harassing my kid, June 3, means they are going to sue me. Mkay Fate Tate! Thanks for the Karen moment.

Whao Vicky should stop pretending to be above the fray. Commenters have driven  across country to meet her, for “ice cream”. .. Only to find out it was so he could vouch for Whoa Vicki not having a dicky. She had screaming matches with women from Breitbart  on the phone, and not just one, several.  One claimed they were doxxed afterwards . And this, Whoa Vicky and UselessSpokey  are now phishing for information about me and claiming to have hired Magnum or some crazy nonsense:

Phishing for information for Fake Tate and UselessSpokey is a thirsty look. Especially since they’ve stalked me, made AI videos about me, obsessed about what they termed my “pickle tits”, physically threatened me, slandered my site on YT, talked ill of my 10 hr old. It’s being to get a little Charlie Mansonish. 

Yes, that is me tearing ass in a big truck off road because Pavement Princesses are for Chandler Pussies. 

And what is up with Spokey? Can someone help him out? 


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