OG Hawk Tuah

The original OG Hawk Tuah

Stalkers and Harassers at SS and 50s


Let’s rewind a bit- 

Snaki P (Jay AKA Valley Girl) made an AI video where he took in upon himself to heckle my 10 year old son who was born unable to breath and spent 3 weeks in the NICU.  He refused to apologize for this and continued to gaslight and blame me for the entire incident. Fine. He proved himself a low-life. Moving forward.

Valley Girl Fake Tate Bottom G and his buddies at 50’s, DoorMat, decided they were not finished with their continued harassment. 


And made several more videos about my blog and people who comment here. That’s fine, but I decided enough was enough, and called him. 

This prompted me to call Fake Take Bottom J Valley Girl Snaki P on his cell phone which I got off the website he posted on SS when he listed his listing. In other words, Jay doxxed himself by mixing his “anonymous comments” with his real estate business. Probably not a good idea if you’re going to questionable things on your website: 

He did not answer. I left a message again stating I thought his harassment of me and my child had ended. But I’d move forward with my plan since it hadn’t, but  I’d call, again. I didn’t leave my name, saying I knew he already had it because they’ve been stalking me.

The next day AJ Hyatt posted this: 

Which they later claimed  was in reference to Mike Tyson, the wife beater. Not obvious violence towards me- if it was obvious-

But let’s not forget their history of violence. When they were harassing Jack Burns, Snake said: 

Within a few days of that DoorMat and Jay and their friends began using my first name:



And just like when Snak doxxed Jack Burns number - AJ began trying to doxx where I lived:


Them trying to doxx here I live “Sun Valley”- don’t forget AJ is a retired police officer. 

Of course, not to be outdone, Snake changed his name and after AJs post about “Sun Valley”


And DoorMat 50 has repeatedly stated he has hired a Private Investigator to find me. 

And let’s not forget this bit - they refer to my breast as pickles and it is straight from one of my social media accounts- 

I know I dared ask Jay be an adult :


That is right. I am unstable because I asked them to stop harassing us and this is hilarious to RunningMouth.  It is funny to her that I would dare wish to protect my child. Running mouth who once wanted Jack Burns beat up for discussing her adult niece thinks I am “hilarious” for asking Jay to stop harassing my 10 yr old and myself, now in writing and once on tape.

This was Running explaining why Jack should be beat up- 


And when Jay shared my call to his cultists they responded as expected:  


And I was right, they immediately began using my name  and doxxing my location after that call asking Jay to stop harassing me. 

And as Disco noted, we never created socks to circumvent SS bans- but they did. Stewie made many socks, including EyeFart. 


So who has threatened physical harm to whom? And who has actually done the doxxing? Not me. Jay and his wife have, repeatedly, with the help of their friends. While we have maintained our lane, never going to their site, never threatening them in anyway, nor posting personal information. 


And most certainly we never bullied a minor child and thought it hilarious when the mom asked the adults to stop. Looking at you, RunningMouth. 


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