Genocide Darfur

Another Genocide Darfur 

Already 1.7 million people are starving in Darfur, the U.N. says. Now, the consequences of the war are rippling across the region, which is the size of Spain.

The crisis is compounded by a severe lack of funds. The United Nations issued an emergency appeal for $2.7 billion. It has received less than a fifth of that.

According to Doctors Without Borders, once child dies every 2 hours due to starvation at the largest displacement camp.

Most victims in El Geneina came from ethnic African groups that have long been targeted by the Arab-dominated Rapid Support Forces.

More than 20,000 building have been destroyed by the Arab group Rapid Support Forces, RSF.

The Sudanese government has also been accused of war crimes. The UN claim they have fired artillery near civilians.

In one day, 15,000 civilians were killed at El Geneina, near Sudan’s border with Chad.

“A 17-year-old boy described the killing of 12 children and 5 adults from several families: “Two RSF forces … grabb[ed] the children from their parents and, as the parents started screaming, two other RSF forces shot the parents, killing them. Then they piled up the children and shot them. They threw their bodies into the river and their belongings in after them.”

That day and in subsequent days, the attacks continued on tens of thousands of civilians who tried to cross into Chad, leaving the countryside strewn with bodies. Videos published at the time show crowds of civilians running for their lives on the road linking El Geneina to Chad.”

The Arab side RSF has been shown whipping civilians and making them make animal noises according to the NYT.  

“During the course of these abuses, women and girls were raped and subjected to other forms of sexual violence, and detainees were tortured and otherwise ill-treated. The attackers methodically destroyed critical civilian infrastructure, targeting neighborhoods and sites, including schools, in primarily Massalit displaced communities. They looted on a grand scale; and burned, shelled, and razed neighborhoods to the ground, after emptying them of residents.

These acts were committed as part of a widespread and systematic attack directed against the Massalit and other non-Arab civilian populations of Massalit-majority neighborhoods, and as such also constitute the crimes against humanity of murder, torture, persecution, and forcible transfer of the civilian population, Human Rights Watch said.”


 We cannot forget Ukraine and Russia have also expanded into Sudan.

—————-Ukraine and Russia in Syria——

Why would Ukraine spread forces to fight Russians in both Syria and Sudan if they are short on man power? To make Russia spend resources. They are so gathering intel on weapons America provides other countries, notably Israel.


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