Paid Agitators on College Campuses

 Mayor Eric Adams released intel yesterday confirming what has long been suspected by many, including students, many of the more aggressive agitators on college campuses are paid agitators. 

Lisa Fithian, a long time paid agitator, was caught on camera directing people where to place barricades. Mother Jones labeled her the Nations best-known protest consultant. 


Who is she? Fithian is a professional rabble rouser- from Occupy to Democracy Now!, to Iraq and environmental warrior, Fithian has been there- she has had her hand in ever major protest over the last 3 decades including BLM and Antifa and now Pro-Palestine. 

She is an author, and was a leftist regularly seen on cable news during the Bush/ Cheney years.

She is founding member of the American side of Extinction Rebellion- an environmental group which often shuts down traffic during protests. Emma Thompson, Noem Chomsky, Greta Thunberg have bouncers their support for the group. There have been allegations it is a cult.

It is funded many by Christopher Hohn, billionaire hedge fund manager, who runs The Children’s Investment Fund Foundation, and his wife Lady Kylie Hohn who runs LightEn. “LightEn is an educational foundation. Our work is focused on signposting pathways that have the potential to raise consciousness and help humanity embody the highest levels of love and wisdom we all hold at our core.” 

They have and online library available:

Chris Hohn shares a close relationship with Googles Sundar Pichai. It was after his open letter to Google and Alphabet they cut work forces. Googles initial target was 20%, Alphabet 6%. Google is a large donator to the dark- money Tide Foundation- 

The Children’s Investment Fund is really interesting- 


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