Weekly Updates
New Weekly Thread. I was wrong... The ghey brigade got worse Ugh.. but we learned Darlene, the dude who fantasized about feeding Daisy and I to hogs and has the mad hots for Akasha has his own personal agitator.. This is a developing storyline .. also developing 50 is doing is typical manipulation strategy - so obvious 50 🙄- and any guesses of who the new *ultra Sam sock* might be? Stewie? That's my guess. And in todays afternoon drunken geriatrics..the nasty olds seem to be getting frisky with each other, again.. It can't get worse than this.. I wish they were joking .. but they aren't..they aren't... The only true MAGA dude among the geriatric RINOS who doesn't partake in the weirdness will remain unnamed..but these other dudes like swinging their weenies ...and are whacked! Murph would know, of course .. And yes..it's named *Big Jim and the Boys*.. thanks for clarification, 50.. so ghey. In other news, Karla needs drugs to tolerate SomeDouche And RM